Hot Apple-Ginger Smoothie Bowl


Does it also happen to you that you come up with your best creations when you’re not planning on it at all? I’m usually most creative when my selection of ingredients is limited, because it’s Sunday and all stores are closed (yes, this happens in Switzerland, where I live ;)) or when I’m doing one of my regular fridge clean-outs, in order not to waste food.

And this dreamy breakfast is the proof that this way real magic can happen! After an early morning yoga-session with a lovely friend, we were craving some nourishing comfort food to fuel our bodies for the day. As we couldn’t really decide between a refreshing smoothie and a warming bowl of hot porridge, we simply tried to combine both. So we started to throw togehter all the ingredients I still had in stock and she brought with her from the market. And this incredibly delicious and comforting hot smoothie bowl was the result.. could be worse I’d say 😉

It’s the perfect start into a cold frosty winter day, because it’s full of nutrients and still warms you up from the inside. I’m currently living on this, it’s on my breakfast menu at least every second day, if not every day! See, you gotta try it 😉

Much love, ali

Categories: 1 person, 5 min preparation time, 5 min cooking time

Glutenfree, vegetarian, vegan, lactosefree, histaminfree, nutfree


Smoothie bowl

  • 2 Tbsp oats (make sure to use glutenfree ones if you’re allergic/ intolerant)
  • 1 Tbsp ground line seeds
  • 1 tsp chia seeds
  • 170g unsweetened apple purée
  • 100 ml plantased milk (I used homemade oat milk)
  • 1 apple
  • 1cm fresh ginger
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp ground star anis
  • 1 pinch sea salt
  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice (or apple vinegar)

Additional toppings (optional)

  • 2-3 slices of starfruit (carambola) or any other fruit you like
  • pomegranate seeds
  • granola
  • bee pollen
  1. Thoroughly wash the apple and the piece of ginger. Core the apple, cut lengthwise into thin slices and set aside 4-5 slices as decoration. Roughly chop the piece of ginger.
  2. In a small pot combine the apple slices (besides the reserved ones) and ginger with all other ingredients, bring to a boil, lower heat and let simmer for about 5 minutes.
  3. Transfer porridge to a high-speed blender and mix for 1-2 minutes until a creamy and smooth consistency has formed. Add a little more plantbased milk if you prefer a thinner consistency.
  4. Pour your hot smoothie into a serving bowl and decorate with the reserved apple slices and any other toppings you like. When trying this the first time, we went for some more slices of star fruit, homemade cinnamon granola, bee pollen and pomegranate seeds. But use whatever you are into 🙂

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